The Mastership Honor Roll
First displayed underLouis Philippeand never closed since then, the table of Masters of Equipage du Pau Hunt is the living testimony and the chronology of the dates of the great past of Pau and the current maintenance of its traditions.
We learn there that the first rich and idle Lords arrived here in 1840, that they attracted their American cousins there in 1876 and that the only Frenchman to be registered on the roll of honor of the Mastership of the time was theBaron LeJeunein 1893 and 1896 theBaron d'Esteas for him, despite the Latin sounding of his title was of English origin and resided in the United States.
We will salute theMarquis du Vivierwho had the guts to take over from the prestigious American
F.H. Princein 1947 and we will now know that since 1960 the Fouet des Pau Hounds is today in Béarnaise hands.
Excerpt from the press release of November 8, 2019
The crew of the Pau Hunt, as well as the many loyal friends of our association,
are pleased to announce that this Friday, November 8 has been elected the 31st Master of the Pau Hunt
Georges Moutetgave his whip, after a 19-year mastership, toBernard Cazenave.
Bernard Cazenave, the 6th French Master since the creation of the Pau Hunt, will be supported in its task by:
Jean-Paul Vidailhet, Gasket Master,
Eric Gormand, Field Master,
Bernard Baylacqretains his duties as Huntsman and will pass on his know-how
atJean Pierre Salmon, Seal Huntsman.
Excerpt from the press release for the 180th anniversary of the Pau Hunt in 2021
The crew of the Pau Hunt, as well as the many loyal friends of our association,
are pleased to announce that this Monday, December 13 has been elected the 32nd Master of the Pau Hunt
Bernard Cazenave gave his whip,Jean-Paul Vidailhet.
Jean-Paul Vidailhet, the 7th French Master since the creation of the Pau Hunt, will be supported in its task by:
Cecile Totain, Gasket Master,
Eric Gormand, Field Master,
Adeline Fernandes, Huntsman
MJ-P. Vidailhet (Since 2021)
MB Cazenave (2019 - 2021)
MG Moutet (2000 - 2019)
MG Claverie (1976 - 2000)
Baron d'Ariste (1960 - 1976)
Marquis du Vivier (1947-1960)
FH Prince (1910 - 1940)
CH Ridgway (1905 - 1910)
JH Wright (1903 - 1905)
CH Ridgway (1901 - 1903)
Baron d'Este (1900-1901)
CH Ridgway (1899 - 1900)
Baron d'Este (1896 - 1899)
Baron Lejeune (1893 - 1896)
FW Maude (1891 - 1893)
Lieutenant Colonel Talbot Grosbie (1890 - 1891)
Thorn (1888 - 1890)
Sir V. Brooke (1885 - 1888)
FW Maude (1884 - 1885)
Neilson Whitthrop (1883 - 1884)
T. G. Burgess (1882 - 1883)
J. Gordon-Bennett (1880 - 1882)
J. Stewart (1879 - 1880)
Earl of Howth (1878 - 1879)
Major Cairns (1875 - 1878)
W. G. Tiffany and Storey (1874 - 1875)
Liwingston (1868 - 1874)
CA Alcock (1861 - 1868)
R. Power (1856 - 1861)
Standish (1852 - 1856)
J. Cornwall (1847 - 1852)
Sir H. Oxenden (1840 - 1847)